Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Duren- God of Fruit :P

Duren aka durian is simply the best fruit in the milky way. No doubt about that!! And if u eat it with Ketan, wowww it's gonna bring u to the seventh heaven huahuahuaua.......I am not kidding, I am just telling y'all the truth, swear to God mate :D Back in my hometown, this kinky combination had been sealed for hundred years, even when the Kompeni, bunch of looser who tried to colonize Indonesia, were still there. This secret recipe finally was revealed after a few decades ago, when local people realized that it was the right moment to make it Go International!! And Durian started expanding to D Juice, D Ice, D Candy and another D's. The D is pimping all over the world.

What makes Durian so special?? Yap, its exotic and sexeeh flava is like an extacy, it's so addictive. Once u eat it, RRRRRRR u wanna get more. Perfecto!!! The art of peeling D is also so intense and discreet. We have to be careful with all thorns which cover the hard outer husk. And when u finally open it, u will see the hidden treasure, the golden fruit.

But some "freaks" do not like it :P I absolutely have no idea about that. I remember, friend of mine told me that there was a challenge in Fear Factor to eat durian and guess what, they didn't do it. I don't know what's wrong with those people. They might regard its odor as fragrant or others find it overpower. Sometimes, people have to see deep inside to understand the mystic of Durian.

So guys, are u in favor or against Durian? But you are not the freak one rite :p

1 comment:

MaNda said...

Jovaaaaaaaaaaannnn yg ini kocak banget seeeeeehh gw ngakak tau gak bacanya hahahahaha parahh luuu =p

Sering2 tulis yg kaya gini yak, jadi kalo gw lagi bete bisa kesini supaya gw ketawa hueheuehue
